Socializing is an important part of every child’s development. Learning to make connections and interact in group settings teaches children valuable skills that will benefit them in the future. However, many parents with children enrolled at Lenexa, KS, preschools know that it can be difficult for a shy child to make friends. Such children may go […]

Socializing is an important part of every child’s development. Learning to make connections and interact in group settings teaches children valuable skills that will benefit them in the future. However, many parents with children enrolled at Lenexa, KS, preschools know that it can be difficult for a shy child to make friends.

Such children may go the entire semester without making close friends. This can feel very alienating and may impact their ability to socialize in the future. For this reason, parents should lend a helping hand to assist the child in making friends.

Here are some crucial steps to help your child make friends at kids daycare, Lenexa.

1. Stamp Out Disruptive Behavior Problems

It’s not uncommon for many preschool aged children to make friends simply by being in the same room as other children. However, these other children may be reluctant to form friendships with your child if they regularly engage in disruptive behaviors. This includes things like rough play or interrupting others regularly

For this reason, you should aim to address such disruptive behavior problems by the time they start attending preschool.

2. Teach Your Child to Share

Sharing is caring, and there’s no better way for children to make friends than by sharing. This could be sharing crayons, lunch snacks, and more.

Any friends your child makes will likely reciprocate the gesture by also sharing back with them. This will help strengthen the friendship, so be sure to teach your child the value of sharing.

3. Help Them Win or Lose With Grace

Children often form bonds with one another at preschool by playing games. This could be in-class games or playground games such as tag.

It’s not uncommon for children to get very competitive during such games. This may cause them to act boastfully when they win or get upset when they lose. Both these behaviors may give other children a poor impression of your child, and they will be reluctant to befriend them.

For this reason, you should teach your child the importance of winning and losing with grace. Such discipline will also benefit them in other life areas, so it is a valuable skill to possess.

How Whole Child Development Center Can Help

At the Whole Child Development Center, we understand how difficult it can be for shy children to make friends. As one of the leading child day care centre, Lenexa, TX, our staff encourage group activities that help children find their stride and make friends.

Please contact us to learn more about our services.

Please contact us to learn more about our services.

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