A lot of caregivers and teachers say that most children struggle to learn new concepts. While some children have learning disabilities that hinder their learning process, many struggle because of substandard teaching approaches. So before you enroll your child in a childcare center or homeschool them, ensure they check the following boxes for the best learning outcomes. […]

A lot of caregivers and teachers say that most children struggle to learn new concepts.

While some children have learning disabilities that hinder their learning process, many struggle because of substandard teaching approaches.

So before you enroll your child in a childcare center or homeschool them, ensure they check the following boxes for the best learning outcomes.

Give Your Child The Freedom To Choose

Most parents and teachers believe that children are not smart enough to make decisions on their own and dictate every little thing in the child’s life.

But exercising too much control over your child’s life can interfere with their development.

Conversely, if you give them the freedom to choose, it has several benefits. First, it allows them to discover their interests, abilities, and needs. Secondly, it allows them to pause and reflect instead of being impulsive. Finally, such children grow up to be independent thinkers who can make their own decisions.

Shift Their Perspective On Failure

Failure is vital to developing a healthy personality in children and teaches them essential life skills such as perseverance, confidence, and flexibility.

Unfortunately, most caregivers and teachers make failure unacceptable for a child. Messages like “don’t mess it up” or “don’t do anything foolish” can cause a child to completely withdraw from a learning opportunity.

“Failure needs to start being an option and early on,” writes James R. Bailey in Psychology Today. “If parents allow their children to fail, children will learn how to overcome adversity and conquer anxiety.”

Create an Ideal Learning Environment For Them

It doesn’t matter how many books or expensive learning tools you buy for your child; if their environment is not conducive to learning, they will struggle to learn.

This applies to learning everything from math and science to reading or playing hopscotch. When we say environment, we mean both the physical environment and the people who are part of that environment.

For example, design a quiet, comfortable reading corner away from gadgets if you want your child to learn how to read. Place their reading materials (novels, magazines, picture books, etc.) in this spot to encourage them to read and learn in a quiet atmosphere.

Did you know that a good daycare center can help your child learn new concepts easily?

At Whole Child Development Center, Lenexa, we provide a safe, supportive stimulating learning environment so your little ones can excel at life. Our philosophy is influenced by famous child psychologists like Piaget, Dewey, and Erikson.

Get in touch with us today to build a bright future for your child.

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