Every child is born with creative gifts and talents. As they grow up; however, they feel the pressure to live up to certain standards set by adults around them. This results in many of them never discovering their true potential. Every parent wants their child to do great things but most of them don’t know […]

Every child is born with creative gifts and talents.

As they grow up; however, they feel the pressure to live up to certain standards set by adults around them. This results in many of them never discovering their true potential.

Every parent wants their child to do great things but most of them don’t know how to nurture their child’s talents. This article will discuss tips that both parents and daycare centers can benefit from.

Encourage and praise often

How often does your child come to you with a piece of art or something else they made?

It’s a proud moment for kids when they accomplish something, no matter how small it is. Unfortunately, adults are very good at finding faults and dismissing their little accomplishments. This not only negatively impacts their self-confidence but stops them from trying new things.

However, when you appreciate and encourage a child, they get motivated to achieve more. They start experimenting with different activities and interests, helping them uncover their true potential.

Give them creative space

The environment the child lives in impacts their growth in a number of ways. If you’re too controlling, you limit your child’s ability to think on their own. You don’t give them the space to think independently, which results in them never discovering their interests.

You need to give your child creative space where their imagination can take flight. This can be a child’s own corner filled with objects of their choice, such as paints, toys, play dough, etc.

Avoid gender bias

Most parents and teachers introduce gender bias to children from a very young age.

Phrases like “pink is for girls and blue is for boys” confine a child into a box and limit their creative thinking. So allow your child to spend time doing whatever they find fascinating.

Let them be unique

You might think the next-door neighbor’s son is smarter than your kid, but your child is unique in their own way. A lot of parents make this mistake of comparing their child to other children. It’s important to remember that your child has a completely different set of skills, talents, and interests that makes them unique that cannot be compared to anyone else.

Comparison increases anxiety in your child, lowers their self-esteem, and puts them in an unhealthy competition with other children. So it’s better to let children be themselves.

Most importantly, your child’s schooling plays a pivotal role in developing their talents and abilities.

At Whole Child Development Center in Lenexa, Kansas, we provide the right environment to nurture your child’s genius. Being an inclusive childcare center, we incorporate a variety of psychological philosophies into our learning system.

Contact us today to avail the best child care facilities for your little one.

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